
Registration Information:

For all APS Staff: Registration for all classroom trainings and eLearnings occur through OHSTS' learning management system (LMS). To access your current account or to request a new account, click on this link: An email confirmation will be sent to the requestor.

For Community Partners and Guests: If you are not part of the LMS community, you are still able to attend OHSTS training (classroom and virtual instructor-led courses) as a guest on a space available basis. This includes DJFS staff who do not have LMS login privileges and employees of community partners. To register as a guest, click on this link: An email confirmation will be sent to the requestor.

For all LCJFS & CSEA Employees: Please complete a request for Voluntary Training Form (1127) and submit it through your chain of command for approval. An email confirmation will be sent to the requestor. The Ohio Human Services Training System (OHSTS) is an approved provider through the State of Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board. Programs sponsored throughout the Northwest Regional Training Center meet board guidelines and can be used by licensees toward their license renewal requirements. Certification will be authorized only for those who complete provided evaluation tools and meet attendance requirements. Five and 1/2 (5.5) CEU's will be provided for each day of training successfully attended.

***Program approval has been applied for or has been granted for counselor and/or social workers. (Provider # RCS091301)***

Please Note: All in-person trainings begin promptly at 9:00 A.M. and end at 4:00 P.M. (unless otherwise noted) and any participant who misses more than 15 minutes of a workshop whether for personal or professional reasons will not receive a training certificate or CEU's.

All Virtual training sessions will be held in 3-hour increments from 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm with the exception of Ethics which will be held from 9am-12:15pm or 1pm-4:15pm. A 15-minute break will be offered during each session and OHSTS training hours and Social Worker/Counselor Continuing Education Unit's (CEU's) are approved for most trainings.

Any participant who misses more than 15 minutes of a workshop whether for personal or professional reasons will not receive a training certificate or CEU's.

Who Can Attend?

Workshops are open to all interested APS and CDJFS staff and Community Partners unless otherwise noted. Many topics offer the opportunity for line staff to build Supervisory skills and other advanced skills training.